
Welcome Back to the 2020 Season!

With a few glitches, the units are open for the season.  Please remember to review those issues mentioned in the letter from Steve regarding opening.

Unit 125A: Kitchen sink faucet leaks.  Water is off to that faucet, although the rest of the unit checked out.

Unit 145C: Bathroom leak at the feed line.  Please repair before using it.

For all your personal plumbing needs, you are free to contact My Plumber in Cashiers. Drew is our plumber and his contact information is as follows:

27 Cashiers Lake Rd, Cashiers, NC 28717

(828) 482-0032

Direct TV is still out at least in building 2 where the dish is located.  It may be out in other buildings.  If you get a '771' error, the problem is the dish.  If you get a SWM error, the problem is with the unit in someone's condo (and we don't know where that is 😞).  Evidently, the electricity to those condos where the SWM adapter was installed must have their power turned on in order for others to have television service.  Direct TV has now identified a technician who will identify those and will ensure that they are located where power is on all the time anyway.  If you see that at your receiver, please let a member of the board know.

Again, please check carefully your unit and the units around you when you turn on your water, and as you use it.  If you are in an upper unit, of course it can affect the lower units.  If you are in a lower unit, it can affect your garage.  For those who have added rooms, that is important.

Buildings 3 and 4 have some septic issues as of this date.  Plumber is expected to repair those early this week.

Fire lines are not turned on.  Your fire extinguisher should be located on your porch as soon as possible so we can have them inspected and installed.  Just place it in a visible space.  Do NOT install it yourself on the vinyl siding.  Nothing should be permanently placed on the vinyl siding.

Remember the yearly meeting will be June 22nd at 1:00 pm.  You will receive an email about that soon, along with your proxy for voting matters.  Remember, a proxy doesn't count toward attendance, and if we don't have at least a quorum, then we cannot conduct official business that day. A proxy is for voting purposes only.

Look forward to a great summer! 

Hawks Nest Board

Oh!  How those mountain flowers bloom in summer!

Happy July, Neighbors!

It's hard for all of us to believe, but the season is almost half finished. 

This revised blog will take the place of the newsletter and the web page.  The new format allows all the Board members to add comments, and will provide a place for notifications of meetings and items to consider.  For example, one page will be an ongoing list of maintenance and repair projects.  Another will be for opening and closing.  Minutes and financial reports will be located here as well.

It also will save all pages so that if you need something (like a copy of the original declarations and by-laws which are the only ones registered with the court house in Macon County, NC) you can find it in the archives.  With permission we can publish a directory in this blog.

Summertime is always pleasant in the mountains.  Look forward to seeing you all as we travel back and forth.

Linda Todd